How to find housing in Spain?

Quite often, Ukrainians in Spain have to search for jobs and housing simultaneously. Our company tries to promote and help in every possible way, therefore, in addition to job offers, we also decided to make a selection of useful and convenient rental resources for you.

If you want to rent an apartment for a period from 3 months to 5 years, the following websites will be useful to you:


We would like to note that the cost of renting a house in Spain can be different depending on the district of the city or region of the country. The cheapest rent is in Galicia. Thus, in Lugano, you can find an acceptable housing for 350-360 Euro per month. However, the most expensive real estate is located near resorts, thus cost of housing for one person in Ibiza will reach 800-850 Euro per month.

Quite tentatively, we can say that renting a one-room apartment in Spain will cost an average of 500 Euro per month, two-room apartment – 700 Euro per month. However, again, it all depends on the region. That is why, when searching a job in Spain, consider the region where the company is located and plan your new life carefully.

Follow the link to read more about what to take into account when renting an apartment.